This Website does not constitute an investment, legal, tax, regulatory, financial, accounting or other advice, and this Website is not intended to provide the sole basis for any evaluation of a transaction on acquiring of the tokens and is expressly not incorporated by reference into any securities offering or similar documents. The content of this Website is not binding on the Company and the Company reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Website for any reason at any time before, during and after the sale of tokens by updating an amended Website. The information set forth in this Website may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject to, laws or regulations of any jurisdiction which prohibits or in any manner restricts transactions in respect of, or with use of, digital tokens. Nothing in this Website shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for investment, nor does it in any way pertain to an offering or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. Do conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions. You also agree that the team is presenting the token as it was launched, due to it being renounced it can not be changed. The Sticky DAO team can not be held liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. If you are willing to, or have purchased Sticky DAO, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment. Sticky DAO is not a registered broker, analyst or investment advisor.

Please note there are always risks associated with smart contracts. None of the information on this website should be construed as providing legal or financial advice.